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Hanging parrots at Cotswold Wildlife Park

Professional keeper CHRIS GREEN gives us a heads up on this irresistible species, which sleeps with its head down! And that’s only the start...

PARROT DIETS: a complex subject

In the March 13 Cage & Aviary Birds special focus on feeding, Dot described best practice in feeding parrots as ‘a work in progress’....

Keeping tabs with tags

To complete his article in the February 7 issue (see previous post), DAVID WAUGH explains some further ground-breaking studies using GPS devices on the...

Keeping tabs on Carnaby’s

Australia’s black cockatoos are magnificent creatures that urgently require monitoring: not always easy as they range through the forest. DAVID WAUGH reveals how technology...

Nutrition: What’s Best For Our Birds?

DOT SCHWARZ discusses the pros and cons of pelleted diets and seed mixtures in this on parrot diets. When Artha grey joined our home in the closing...

Beautiful Parrots

Rosemary Low examines how certain species of the same genus can be sexually dimorphic, while others aren’t, as she focuses on the exquisite red-bellied...