8.9 C

Showtime, Texas-style

SAM WILDES completes the saga he began in the first part of his feature and describes the climax of a tough but unforgettable judging mission in the USA – which featured so much more than birds

SATURDAY morning at around 9am, there was a knock at our hotel door. It was an old friend, David Collier, who’d moved out to the US a few years back. Good chat with him then we headed to the show. I was made very welcome. Along with my judging, I was asked to make a commentary, which I was happy to do.

The pairs class came first, so that the birds could then compete individually too. Next up, the novice birds. Some good birds in this line-up, especially a cinnamon skyblue cock. Then came the intermediates, again with some very nice birds, including a yellowface cobalt hen which ended up winning best opposite sex any age in show.

Now came the champion birds. Some of these would easily compete at the highest level in the UK. A US tradition is to have a top 10 in show. All 10 were superb birds and in fact all belonged to Robert Marshall!

After judging, I signed all the CCs and spoke with some of the exhibitors. Back to the room for a shower, then came the evening where we ate together and shared stories. There was also an auction which raised a lot of money, I think down to Arvind who ran it! I presented some awards, then called it a night, very tired.

What came next

Next morning Stephen Higgins took us to his house, not far from the hotel. It is a lovely home with a good-sized plot and chickens at the bottom of the garden. From there Stephen took us to Buc-ee’s to meet fellow fanciers Joshua and Chad. In the afternoon we went on to the county state fair and got to watch a rodeo there.

On the Monday we went to see Joshua and Chad, who have just finished building a beautiful home. They have a very large plot of land, a big birdroom full of budgies, and loads of chickens and ducks. They keep two separate studs and it was great to go through their birds with them. After a Mexican lunch, we headed to the Dallas World Aquarium, an amazing place that I would highly recommend to anyone. That evening Stephen met us again, with Julie Willis who I met at the 2023 Club Show.

On the Tuesday Stephen took us to the Stock Yards to see a bit of history. For our last evening meal we were with Stephen, Joshua, Chad and Julie – a fantastic steak. Then Wednesday morning before our flight I spent a few hours in Stephen’s birdroom helping him sort out some birds to sell and suggested some pairings for the breeding season. Off to the airport for our nine-hour flight to Heathrow.

Once we’d landed, it was another trek by coach to Derby bus station. There were my mother and six-year-old son Theo. A few tears were shed and I didn’t let go of him all the way home. At last at home I saw my wife Alice again. We’d kept in contact when we could while I was in Texas but with the time difference it was hard planning when to phone. Next morning I saw little Marnie and she had changed so much in just a week!

It was the experience of a lifetime with so many memories to cherish. Special thanks to Joshua and Stephen for everything they did us while we were in Texas.

  • This concludes a two-part feature. To see the first part, click here.

Sam Wildes is a champion exhibitor and a Budgerigar Society panel judge. His business website is: www.sam1birdproducts.co.uk

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