2.5 C

Why Kinglets Are The Best Of The Crests

Bill Naylor profiles two of the UK’s smallest birds: the firecrest and the goldcrest. They may be diminutive in size, but make up for...

Adventures With Rare South American Songbirds

Never afraid to take on the rare and unfamiliar species, Geoff Gradwell has drawn immense pleasure over the years from keeping many beautiful hardbills...

Fife Canary: Points And Perfection

TERRY KELLY introduces the current points system for Fife canaries and comments on the recent near-obsession with length When exhibited, the Fife canary falls into...

Roller Canary: A Long-Forgotten Lunacy

Nearly 30 years ago, a document was drawn up suggesting that more than 2,000 avian species would require a licence, including the domesticated canary. Thankfully...

Q&A: Keeping And Breeding Canaries

Old and rare variety specialist DONALD SKINNER-REID fields some recent enquiries about keeping and breeding canaries Q Do you give your canaries cuttlefish and grit?  A Donald Skinner-Reid...

The Cuckoo: Feather By Feather

Jarrod Cotter turns his attention to the cuckoo, whose characteristic call that once announced the arrival of spring is now rarely heard in the...