8.8 C

Bring back that synching feeling

It doesn’t half help when canaries breed in a co-ordinated way! Mind you, says VICKY BROWN, if the...

The Rasmi: a radical breed

Something a bit different – and the rest! Old and rare canary specialist ANDY EARLY introduces an extraordinary...

Bernard Charles Sayers (1944-2024)

With the passing this year of Bernard Sayers, aviculture has taken leave of one of the last representatives of...

Hanging parrots at Cotswold Wildlife Park

Professional keeper CHRIS GREEN gives us a heads up on this irresistible species, which sleeps with its head down!...


Cage and Aviary Birds is published weekly and has a cover price of £2.50.

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Kings of the conifers

Crossbills come in various shapes and sizes, but all are united by their passion for cone seeds – and also for chewing wood, parrot-fashion....

Small is beautiful

Love birds? Love old bird books? Trouble is, they take up space. Happiness, says DAVE BROWN, is a compact collection of rare pin badges....

A free and happy community

Few things in birdkeeping bring more pleasure than a breeding colony of budgies, says CHRIS GREEN. You don’t need to impose many ‘rules’ in...

PARROT DIETS: a complex subject

In the March 13 Cage & Aviary Birds special focus on feeding, Dot described best practice in feeding parrots as ‘a work in progress’....

No rush, no pressure

TERRY KELLY on a system that ensures judging decisions are made without undue influence TO ASSESS Fife canaries at the final stages at a specialist...

More than just a memory

Although the elegant red-crested finch was far better known to birdkeepers 30 years ago, pairs do persist in this country and GARY BRALSFORD would...